25 March 2009

Shaun 2 Point 0

A friend of mine recently started an experiment in social marketing strategy on his blog - Shaun 2.0. The plan (in his own words): 

"I suppose I should start with the purpose of this thing. Over the next month I will be tracking my internet popularity compared to my involvement in the social network community. Here’s the plan: After a week of recording my ‘normal’ popularity rate* I will begin Phase 1. Every day I will be updating my Facebook profile, sending one tweet and following one more person on Twitter, and reviewing one website on Stumbleupon. In Phase 2, I step it up to sending three tweets, following three more people and reviewing three websites per day. Facebook will continue to be updated daily. Phase 3 involves sending five tweets per day, following five more people on Twitter and reviewing five more websites for Stumbleupon. This blog will be updated daily as well and I will provide a weekly wrap-up after each phase. (Expect graphs) Please feel free to stumble and/or tweet the heck out of me and this blog, but while I appreciate your Facebook friend requests, I probably will not accept unless I have at least shaken your hand. Enjoy!"

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